Multi-Animal Repellent
Multi-Animal Repellent
$19.50 – $29.95
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Small Yard: 5lb – Covers Approximately 1,250 Sq. Ft.
Medium Yard: 10lb – Covers Approximately 2,500 Sq. Ft.
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Our new Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent is a blend of several ingredients working in a variety of ways to deter squirrels, skunks, gophers, ground hogs, moles, armadillos, and chipmunks. Like our other products, Multi-Animal is a natural and safe repellent for use around children, pets, and the animals. We use the same time-release process to keep these animals away for months.
Yard Gard Multi-Animal is a blended granular repellent designed to remove and keep away a variety of animals for months. It deters ground hogs, skunks, squirrels, gophers, armadillos, moles, and chipmunks safely by using a variety of techniques and creating a barrier against infestation. Yard Gard Multi-Animal is not made with predator urine that may cause fear and confusion in your pets. Our patented time released formula removes these animals and keeps them away for months. We pride ourselves in providing a product that is safe and effective. Our natural formula will gives you peace of mind. We have the longest lasting product on the market. Yard Gard is the product that works!
Yard Gard is not available in the following states: IN & NM
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Weight | N/A |
Size | Small Yard, Medium Yard |
Multi-Animal Repellent Information

Gopher Repellent Information
Our Solution to Gophers
Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent is designed to deter a variety of animals that forage for grubs, insects, and other underground food. These animals have a keen sense of smell and we use their senses against them by creating a barrier in the soil that sends them away. Our all natural repellent is made from all organic ingredients so that your family and pets are safe. Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent removes digging critters from your yard safely and effectively without harmful chemicals. See more general information on skunks below. If you need any additonal assistance don't hesitate to call our experts at 1.855.665.3746.
Gopher Description
- Gophers are burrowing rodents and are well equipped for a digging and tunneling lifestyle
- Depending on the species, gophers are 6 to 10 inches long
- For the most part, gophers remain underground in their burrow system
- Mounds of fresh soil are the best sign of a gopher’s presence
- Typically mounds are crescent or horseshoe shaped when viewed from above
- Mole mounds, however, are more circular in profile and they are volcano-shaped
- The "plugged" burrow opening entrance is located at the perimeter edge of the mound's footprint.
Gopher Problems
- Gophers often feed on garden crops, ornamental plants, vines, shrubs and trees
- A single gopher can inflict considerable damage in a very short time
- Gophers also gnaw and damage plastic water lines and lawn sprinkler systems
- Their tunnels can divert and carry off irrigation water, which leads to soil erosion
- Mounds on lawns interfere with mowing equipment and ruin the aesthetics of well-kept turfgrass
See Our Test Results!
Like all ground burrowing animals, the gopher must be conditioned (trained) to know that the Yard Gard treated area is unfriendly to his senses (sense of smell and sense of taste).
This often takes time as we learned in our testing process.
Below you will find the results of our test data on a golf course fairway.
The "red-lined boxes" shown below represent the area of the golf course treated with Yard Yard Animal Deterrent.
- the top "lay-out diagram" represent the area before treatment with Yard Gard;
- the bottom "lay-out diagram" represent the area after treatment with Yard Gard.
Each red dot (.) in the "red-lined boxes" on the course layouts below represent a gopher mound,
- See the photo insert below of the gopher mound with a golf ball at the base of the mound to depict the size of the mound.
After application of Yard Gard product, the gophers started leaving the area.
- See the "red-lined boxes" pictured below.
- The gophers moved out of the treated area for good.
Observe the "red dots ( . )" Each red dot ( . ) represents a gopher mound).
The red dots ( . ) are present in the top layout diagram of the golf course fairway (before Yard Gard treatment), but in the bottom layout daigram (After Treatment) observe that the red dots are gone;
- Two months time period laps from data in the top layout diagram (Before Treatment) verses data in the bottom layout diagram (After Treatment).
- The gopher activity and mounds was disappeared over the total time period.
- Notice in the bottom course lay out diagram (After Treatment), the "red dots" are gone.
- After two month: No more gopher mounds.
Skunk Repellent Information
Our Solution to Skunks
Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent is designed to deter a variety of animals that forage for grubs, insects, and other underground food. These animals have a keen sense of smell and we use their senses against them by creating a barrier in the soil that sends them away. Our all natural repellent is made from all organic ingredients so that your family and pets are safe. Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent removes digging critters from your yard safely and effectively without harmful chemicals. See more general information on skunks below. If you need any additonal assistance don't hesitate to call our experts at 1.855.665.3746.
Skunk Description
- There are many different kinds of skunks and most are the size of a house cat
- Most appear in a variety of striped, spotted, and swirled patterns—but all are a vivid black-and-white
- Skunks usually nest in burrows constructed by other animals, but they also live in hollow logs or even abandoned buildings.
- Skunks are opportunistic eaters and are nocturnal foragers who eat fruit, plants, insects, larvae, worms, eggs, reptiles, small mammals and even fish.
- Skunks are considered a pest animal by homeowners, since the animal will dig with their paws in search for food which creates an unsightly mess of a manicured or groomed lawn
Yard Gard repelled the skunk in the areas of our studies using Yard Gard Multi-Animal product. The animals were conditioned to leave the area.
Groundhog Repellent Information
Our Solution to Groundhogs
Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent is designed to deter a variety of animals that forage for grubs, insects, and other underground food. These animals have a keen sense of smell and we use their senses against them by creating a barrier in the soil that sends them away. Our all natural repellent is made from all organic ingredients so that your family and pets are safe. Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent removes digging critters from your yard safely and effectively without harmful chemicals. See more general information on skunks below. If you need any additonal assistance don't hesitate to call our experts at 1.855.665.3746.
Groundhog Facts
A groundhog can grow between 16 to 26 inches long and weigh 4 to 9 pounds
They are well adapted for digging, with short but powerful limbs and curved, thick claws
Mostly herbivorous, groundhogs primarily eat wild grasses and other vegetation, including berries and agricultural crops
They also eat grubs, grasshoppers, insects, snails and other small animals
Excellent burrowers, using burrows for sleeping, rearing young and hibernating
These burrows usually have two to five entrances, providing groundhogs their primary means of escape from predators
Burrows are particularly large, with up to 46 feet of tunnels buried up to 5 feet underground, and can pose a serious threat to agricultural and residential development by damaging farm machinery and even undermining building foundations
Yard Gard was effective in repelling the groundhog for the treated areas.
Yard Gard proved to deter the animal from the treated areas.
Squirrel Repellent Information
Our Solution to Squirrels
Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent is designed to deter a variety of animals that forage for grubs, insects, and other underground food. These animals have a keen sense of smell and we use their senses against them by creating a barrier in the soil that sends them away. Our all natural repellent is made from all organic ingredients so that your family and pets are safe. Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent removes digging critters from your yard safely and effectively without harmful chemicals. See more general information on skunks below. If you need any additonal assistance don't hesitate to call our experts at 1.855.665.3746.
Squirrel Description
- Squirrels measure about 17-20 inches long and have a greyish brown fur; except for their bellies which have a pale fur and their tail often has silvery tipped hairs at the end
- The primary natural foods of these creatures are nuts, fruits, buds of hickory, pecans, walnuts, elm and mulberry trees and field corn.
- To bury a nut, a gray squirrel digs a hole about 3 to 4 inches deep, puts the nut inside, pushes it down whith its nose, and then pulls the soil over it with its front paws. Because of this type of feeding habit squirrels can make a mess of your yard.
Yard Gard has proven to deter the squirrel from the areas treated with Yard Gard Multi-Animal Deterrent.
Chipmonk Repellent Information
Our Solution to Groundhogs
Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent is designed to deter a variety of animals that forage for grubs, insects, and other underground food. These animals have a keen sense of smell and we use their senses against them by creating a barrier in the soil that sends them away. Our all natural repellent is made from all organic ingredients so that your family and pets are safe. Yard Gard Multi-Animal repellent removes digging critters from your yard safely and effectively without harmful chemicals. See more general information on skunks below. If you need any additonal assistance don't hesitate to call our experts at 1.855.665.3746.
Chipmunk Description
- It has reddish-brown fur on its back and sides and white fur on its stomach
- It has two white stripes bordered by black on its sides and one black stripe on the center of its back
- It has light stripes above and below its eyes and it has pouched cheeks that it uses to store and carry food
- Their diet is made up of nuts, acorns, seeds, mushrooms, fruits, berries and corn. It also eats insects, bird eggs, snails and small mammals like young mice.
- They often dig in lawns and gardens in order to find food
Yard Gard was effective in deterring the animal in the evaluation studies using Yard Gard Multi-Animal Deterrent.
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