How Do Yard Gard Repellents Work?
All Yard Gard repellents work with a similar principle but use a variety of ingredients and a very unique delivery system for your ease application and of protecting your lawn or garden for a longer time period.
- Yard Gard is a natural pest control that will not harm your family, your pets, the environment or even harm the pest animals; it simple repels them to go away.
- We use the pest animal’s keen sense of smell and taste against them by making your lawn unpleasant to smell and taste to the pest animal;
- which therefore conditioning or training the animal to leave your treated lawn or garden.
- This process often takes several weeks but once a barrier is set up in your lawn’s soil, the animals typically do not return to your lawn for months, if ever!
- As mentioned above, we have a unique patent pending delivery system which allows our product to last over 100 days, for longer lawn’s protection; this time period is based on our test data.
Click on the animal to see a more detailed explanation below:

How Does Yard Gard Armadillo Deterrent work?
Armadillo control is essential to keep a healthy lawn.
- Yard Gard Armadillo Deterrent is made with two main components.
- The active ingredients and
- The delivery granual or pellet.
- These two components are bound together and encapsulated with a water soluble, hardshell binding agent which:
- keeps the active ingredients locked inside the pellet until activated by water (such as watering the area) and
- keeps the ingredients fresh and potent until they are applied and activated by water.
- The hard shell coating accomplishes several things;
- such as sun light and chemicals & fertilyzers that have been previously applied to the lawn, which can cause deterieration to the ingredents)
- in addition to keeping Yard Gard's ingredients stable and potent until you apply them.
- the active ingredients are preserved from external elements;
- extends the shelf life of the product while in storage and
- extends the long lasting effectiveness after it has been applied to your lawn for longer lasting protection.
- Yard Gard is a safe and smart form of pest control, easy to apply and safe for you to use.
- This product is composed of natural food grade :
- oils, spices, and minerals;
- each of these ingredients are organic.
The ingredients are safe in their individual state as well as when they are combined into the final formulation.
- Yard Gard contains no harsh man-made chemicals and
- poses a very low amount of risk during and after application.
- Because of these all natural elements used in Yard Gard,
- your surrounding environment,
- your family and
- your pets.
- it is completely safe for
- Yard Gard puts down a safe, chemical free barrier which:
- protects your lawn from unwanted digging Armadillos
- by causeing your lawn's soil to have an unplesant taste and smell to the animal,
- thereby conditioning it to leave the area.
- extends downward for about one foot into your lawn's soil which:
While researching about Armadillos we made a few fascinating discoveries about the animal.
- The biggest discovery was their sense of smell.
- Armadillos have a tremendous nose that would put a bloodhound to shame.
The effectiveness rating ranges from 95% to 100% depending on three keys conditions:
1) the amount of water applied to the treated area
2) the number of animals (armadillos) foraging in the treated area
3) the thickness of dead grass (thatch) in the treated area.
Once the Yard Gard is applied, as directed on the label, the water causes the hard shell to disolve.
- This allows the active ingredients to percolate out of the external shell.
- As the natural ingredients begin to release into the soil, they lodge within the grains of sand.
- They form a barrier on the top layer of soil, a barrier that NO critter wants to dig through once they've breached the surface.
- The active ingredients are NOT soluble in water so they will not just dissolve away in a few days, or even a few weeks.
- These ingredients stay lodged in the grains of sand for more than two months making Yard Gard Armadillo Deterrent one of the longest lasting products on the market.
With this type of barrier lodged in the top soil of your treated area.
- Animals with higher senses of smell will quickly learn to find another place to dig for food.
- A regular dog, as we know, has a great sense of smell.
- But it has been reported that the armadillo has a greater sense of smell than a dog.
- This is based on the fact that 33% of the armadillo's brain is dedicated to the sense of smell.
- This helps to explain their very poor eyesight because of the massive amount of smell sensory.
- Armadillos have been studied and found to be able locate food six inches beneath the soil,
- simply by sniffing the grass of your lawn.
- When a worm is sensed the armadillo sticks its powerful nose into the ground soil.
- One more reason armadillos like the moist soil areas it because it is easier to penetrate the soil with their snout.
- The result of this action is the multiple "cone shaped" holes you find in your lawn each morning.
- If nothing is found by this action, the armadillo moves on sniffing for food.
- But if food is found the armadillo then uses its short, but powerful, front legs and claws to dig up the surrounding area to retrieve its dinner. This creates an unsightly lawn.
Yard Gard Armadillo Deterrent uses the armadillo's own sense of smell against it.
- By combining organic ingredients that are unplesant to the animal's sense of taste and smell,
- they actually repel the animal when it digs into the soil.
- By digging into the soil the armadillo ignites the ingredients to release its potent aromas,
- when this happens it begins the conditioning of the armadillo.
- This process is called operant conditioning and it was made famous by Ivan Pavlov when he conditioned his dogs to salivate when the food bell rang.
- Using operant conditioning to deter armadillos takes time, we have found it to be about ten to twelve days.
- When property owners begin to have difficulty getting rid of an armadillo problem it has been found that they usually have multiple armadillos destroying their land.
- When this occurs Yard Gard Armadillo Deterrent is very effective, it may however need additional time to condition each individual armadillo.
- Armadillos do not generally travel around in packs, although a family will travel together.
- As mentioned under Armadillos tab, the mother atways has four offspring each pregnancy.
- Greatly increasing the likelihood of a family of 6 moving through your lawn.
Listed Below are the ingredients in our Yard Gard Armadillo Repellent
- Castor Oil
- Red Pepper
- Organic soap
- Calcium carbonate
- Calcium lignosulfonate
- Lime dust
- Dolomitic lime
- Water

How Does the Yard Gard Mole Deterrent work?
Mole control is our business.
Our mole deterrent works on the same principle as our armadillo deterrent.
The changes are in the intensity of our organic ingredients,
- type of organic ingredients, and
- depth to which the ingredients migrate downward.
Moles travel on a mole super highway two feet below the grounds surface,
- yes that's right, you've almost always got moles living in or around your lawn.
The reason moles come to the lawn surface and damaging your lawn is to find food, namely earthworms.
Most folks don't want to kill, the earthworms run them off because erthworms are good for churning up the soil.
- Which in turn brings air to the root system of your grass and plants.
Our research and development team came up with a way to drive our deterrent a solid foot into the soil.
This stops the mole from tunneling upward into your lawn's surface in searc of food.
- By spreading the mole deterrent over the area you wish to protect from mole damage, simply follow the back label instructions.
- By watering each treated area a couple of times within the first seven days of application enhances your success more quickly.
The moles, just like the armadillos, must be conditioned to leave that treated area and forage for food some place else
To put it simply,
- the next time the moles are traveling their underground super tunnel highway, they'll pass right by your exit.
- Knowing that even though there may be food on that exit, it's just going to give them heartburn!
- So they keep on truckin'.
Yard Gard Mole Deterrent is made with two main components.
- The active all natural ingredients and
- the granular (pellet).
These two components are joined together and covered by a hard water soluable coating shell
- this shell keeps the active all natural ingredients locked inside the pellet.
The hard shell accomplishes several things by doing this;
- it keeps Yard Gard's active ingredients from coming in contact with your skin;
- the active ingredients are preserved from external elements; and
- it extends the shelf life of the product while in storage.
This product is composed of natural food grade oils, spices, and minerals.
Each of these ingredients are organic and safe for use around pets or children.
These ingredients are natural and not harmful individually as well as combined into their final formulation.
Yard Gard products contain no harsh man-made chemicals and poses a very low amount of risk during,
- or after, application.
- Because of these all natural elements used to compile Yard Gard,
- it is completely safe for the surrounding environment.
Yard Gard puts down a safe, chemical free, barrier on top of your lawn's soil
- that protects it from unwanted digging animals.
The effectiveness rating ranges from 95% to 100% depending on three keys conditions:
- 1) the amount of water applied to the treated area
- 2) the number of animals (moles) tunneling in the treated area
- 3) the thickness of dead grass (thatch) in the treated area.
Once the Yard Gard is applied, as directed on the label, water the treated area of your lawn;
the water causes the pellets hard shell coating to dissovle.
- This allows the active ingredients to percolate out of the pellet.
- As the ingredients begin to release into the soil, lodging within the grains of sand.
- They form a barrier on the top layer of soil,
- a barrier that NO critter wants to dig through once they've breached the surface. The active ingredients are NOT soluble in water so they will not just dissolve away in a few days, or even a few weeks. These ingredients stay lodged in the grains of sand for more than two months making Yard Gard Deterrent one of the longest lasting products on the market.
Yard Gard Mole Deterrent uses the Mole's own sense of smell against it. By combining ingredients that are hot and dissatisfying to the taste and smell, they actually repel the moles when they tunnel up through the soil. By tunneling through the soil the mole ignites the ingredients to release its potent aromas, when this happens it begins to condition the moles. This process is called operant conditioning and it was made famous by Ivan Pavlov when he conditioned his dogs to salivate. Using operant conditioning on moles takes time. All animals take time to relocate especially when there are multiple animals or families of animals. At times it may take two to three weeks to see results as well as multiple applications. Once the process of repelling the animals has begun it should last for several months. Normal applications every two to three months should be enough to keep the animals away in the future.
The followiong ingredients are in our Yard Gard Mole repellent
- Castor Oil
- Red Pepper
- White Pepper
- Peppermint Oil
- Calcium carbonate
- Calcium lignosulfonate
- Organic soap
- Dolomitic lime
- Water

How does our Gopher Repellent Work?
Like our other granular repellents, the Multi-Animal repellent creates a barrier on the surface of your lawn to prevent the animal from burrowing up through the ground. We are a safe and natural pest control product that will not harm you family, pets, yard, or the pests. Like all ground burrowing animals, the gopher must be trained that the area is unfriendly to his senses. This often takes time as we learned in our testing process. Below you will find the results of our test data that show how after the application of Yard Gard the gophers eventually left the area completely. While the gophers did leave the area, the activity did not cease completely after first application. The gophers gradually began to move from the fairway away from the treated areas. As we expanded the treated areas, to the red boxes pictured below, the gophers eventually left for good.