Natural Garden Protection

Our blog is a treasure trove of information where you can discover effective strategies for deterring animals, maintaining a thriving garden, and safeguarding your property. Stay up to date with the latest trends in animal deterrents, explore DIY projects, and gain inspiration to transform your outdoor oasis into a haven of tranquility. Let Yard Gard be your trusted companion on your journey to a harmonious and vibrant outdoor space.

How Fast Can an Armadillo Dig a Burrow…

How Fast Can an Armadillo Dig a Burrow…

Recently a member of our team captured an armadillo in a live-animal-trap. We relocated it to a different location and decided to photograph the armadillo at the release. When the armadillo was released, I was surprised to see how little fear of humans the armadillo...

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How many moles do you have?

How many moles do you have?

Caller frequently ask if they have only one mole doing the damage in their lawn or can they have multiple moles living in the lawn. I think a recent message from a new user of Yard Gard Mole Deterrent (Named Bill) supplied an excellent answer. Bill stated that last...

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How Animal Repellents Work.

How Animal Repellents Work.

Animal foraging (feeding),  do so in one of two ways: Or they are… Anything (Product/Ingredients) that decreases a behavior makes it occur less frequently, or makes it less likely to occur – is termed a punisher. Often, an animal will perceive – "Ending Something...

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More than 40 percent of bee hives died in the past year.

More than 40 percent of bee hives died in the past year.

Seth Borenstein of the AP Associated Press reported on May 13 2015: More than 40 percent of bee hives died in the past year. WASHINGTON — More than two out of five American honeybee colonies died in the past year, and surprisingly the worst die-off was in the summer,...

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A picture is worth a thousand words…

A picture is worth a thousand words…

A picture really is worth a thousand words. So why blog it, when these BEFORE and AFTER photos of Yard Gard treatment say far more than words? Yard Gard Animal Deterrent really does work! FROM THIS (Before Yard Gard ) TO THIS (After Yard Gard ) (Note the water stand...

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Yard Gard is a Great Way to Protect Your Yard from Moles

Moles can destroy your yard or garden to a great extent. They are found about two to four feet under the surface of the soil and are very rarely seen. In order to protect your yard from the damage caused by moles, you should know about how to get rid of moles. While...

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Are Armadillos Carriers of the Leprosy Bacteria?

If you are a resident in any of the southern states which are noted for their southern hospitality you most likely have a neighbor that is not welcome in the community, and that neighbor is the pesky armadillo. Besides being a destroyer of lawns and gardens; recently...

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How To Have A Pest Free Lawn Year-Round

Yard Gard, the all natural ingredient animal deterrent, uses the principle of “Operant Conditioning” to repel animals. Wild animals have a very keen sense of smell and taste and Yard Gard uses these keen senses against the animal to deter it. This basically means a...

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